Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Ok last night I had the weirdest dream ever!
First, I think I was about 9 months pregnant, (not 5 like I really am) cuz I had a much bigger tummy. I remember I felt the baby kicking like I do now BUT when I put my hand on my stomach to rub it so it would stop, I could feel like a whole leg and foot. I looked down at my belly and I could see like a whole outline of the baby's leg and foot. It kinda felt like I was holding it's whole leg in my hand, it stuck out so much. I remember being really excited and yelling for someone to come look cuz it was so weird I though something was wrong, but no one came. Then I remember suddenly stopping and feeling like I sort of peed my self BUT after a few seconds, out came like 10 gallons of liquid from my “you know where”, it was whooshing out like a tap. (HEY I TOLD YOU IT WAS A WEIRD DREAM, THE BEST IS YET TO COME) so I tried to squeeze my muscles so I would stop peeing myself … but it wouldn't stop. I suddenly realized it must be my water breaking so I screamed "oh my god I think my water broke". I heard voices and people panicking and then I suddenly remember being in the delivery room. (DREAMS ARE ALWAYS LIKE THAT YOU NEVER REMEMBER HOW YOU GOT PLACES, YOU JUST SHOW UP THERE) I was in a light blue gown on a silver, metal table with my legs spread apart and a sheet across them, but my back was propped up and the top of the table was like an adjustable hospital bed with a pillow. Then the doctor reached over and handed the baby to me, he was very clean and seemed to be a little big for a newborn baby. I was holding the baby around his chest far away from me with his legs dangling in the air, looking at him like something was wrong. I kept staring at him not knowing what was wrong with him. I kept thinking this is not my baby, there's something wrong, he doesn't look like me, but I couldn't figure out what didn't look right about him. Then Justin came over to see his baby and he noticed right away the baby's body looked really long, and the baby's face wasn't at all like our faces at all. The baby had this long head not like it was too big for it body or anything, but just a very long looking face unlike both me and Jus. And he had no defined nose bridge, like kind of a flat nose (similar to an Asian person). The baby's eyes were very different too they were dark brown (and again very similar to an Asian person) his eye lids were kind of non existent. His cheeks weren't pudgy like most babies, they were very flat. So Justin went to find the doctor and tell him that this wasn't our baby. A nurse took the baby from me, and then the time suddenly changed and I remember being back at the same point as before when I was on the delivery table again, and the doctor had just finished pulling out my baby boy again; he didn't really wash him off this time he just handed him to me. He was the most beautiful little baby, so small and so pudgy he had blue eyes and a cute little nose like me, and he had a perfectly round tiny head, I remember his arms were bent a little and he had this cute pudginess where they bent at the elbow. He had his fingers clenched around my finger. I remember him having such tiny fingers and I could see his tiny nails needed to be trimmed a little. Then I pulled him close to me and I held him in my arms. Then Justin came back in and the second he saw the baby he had this huge smile on his face and a look of amazement that it was really his baby. Jus wrapped him in a blanket cuddled the baby and rocked him to sleep. Then I woke up
SO THAT WAS MY DREAM - pretty weird eh!
Maybe I have a fear of getting the wrong baby????

The misery I call my life...

Had to deal with the OSAP repay loans office for like 2 hours today on the phone, they are so useless. I don't understand why no one knows what they are doing. I mean you would think if you asked a question about the law (how long you must be living together to be classed as common-law) there would only be one simple answer but no, sometimes people screw up and give you the wrong answer making ten times as much work for you and saying too bad for you that we fucked up... But now you have to pay for it.... MAN.....Sorry had to rant there getting out my frustrations.

finally got my T4 from work all's I have to do now is get the money to go file it. We gotta file 3 years for Justin. And I know what your thinking...Why don't I just do it myself, but I can't because I have tons of stuff to claim plus there's this taxable benefit thing that I have, which makes it difficult and theres tons of stuff I have to find out before I claim (I deffinatly need proffesional help).

Anyway, I have been pretty miserable lately which you can probably tell by the tone of this post. I have been really sick with a cold and can't take any drugs cuz they aren't safe for pregancy PLUS I can't get any sleep cuz the baby won't stop ripping my stomach apart (figure of speach for the way I feel). I can't get comfortable at night and can't sleep more than a few hours without waking up having to pee or walk around and make the baby stop kicking... grrrrr its frustrating especially having to go to work the next day for 8 hours with barley any sleep.

I had plans to go out for dinner for my birthday but I don't think it's gonna happen. It would be free for me but we would have to pay for transportation and for Justin and we can't afford it due to OSAP screwing me over and making me pay for a stop payment, And cuz I'm plain poor.

I'm so sad that I probably won't get much of nothing or do nothing for my birthday I really hoped to do something this year cuz I never do anything. I even was gonna just do something myself, but can't afford it now... My 'rents are too poor, so there's no way they would take me out anywhere .... Maybe my dad will send me $20 in a card, and Jus don't have any money so its not like he can't get me anything. When I went to Jus's birthday dinner with his family he got so much money he didn't know what to do with it.. Like I think $180 or something PLUS his fancy heirloom ring. -- I guess I shoudn't be so self centered there are tons of ppl way worse off than me but its hard to look past your own misery and see them.

I guess there's some good things going on in my life but right now I'm too miserable to figure out what they are and write about them... So I'll have to think about it and post tomorrow.

Well that's all the misery I bet you can handle for one post so I'll cheer up and post tomorrow in a better mood I hope.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Well we're pretty sure we have decided on a name for our little baby boy, unless we change our minds in the next 4 months.
We wanted a name that was a little differnt, thats not normally heard. BUT we didn't want it so different that people can't pronounce it or spell it.
If anyone has any ideas of good names that fit our criteria please let me know, but i'm pretty sure we're not gonna change it. We talk to him all the time and he probably knows his name already. lol

Awww aren't we cute

Me and my kitty phill look so cute don't we. I can't belive I got a good pic of him, he never ever lets me take pictures of him.

Friday, February 10, 2006

It's a bouncing baby boy!!!!

And when I say bouncing I mean bouncing, the lady doing the ultrasound said he kept moving all over the place she kept having to find him again to take more pictures. LOL Just what we need a hyper baby. Well even though I had my heart set on a girl I am getting excited about my little baby boy.

The ultrasound was awesome; first she asked me if they could try out a new ultrasound machine out on me. I said it was ok and I asked what’s so special about this machine, she said it's a much higher resolution and its much clearer and the features are amazing. So I was game to be a guinea pig. The ultrasound it lasted over an hour it was soo cool, it probably took a little longer than normal since she was learning the machine as well but I couldn't believe it lasted so long, it was amazing I couldn’t get enough. She took tons pictures of EVERYTHING the head, the brain, all the tiny organs, the little feet and legs the little arms and hands, and the lips and face, his spine and tummy. He's so cute, and so tiny.
They brought Justin in at the end and she showed us a side view of him and she pointed everything out, where the stomach was and the little kidneys and the liver and all the little organs, she did a close up of the heart for us to see it beating. We could see his little face and everything. We saw him moving his little arms and legs and his fingers. She also showed us a view between his legs and said " see the legs are open, and if you look you can't miss the little thing in between them. She couldn't tell us the sex because hospital policy is not to determine sex until 24 weeks due to previous problems BUT (she was sure we could see for ourselves) and we could, he has these not so little testicles and a not so small penis that couldn't be mistaken for the umbilical cord at all.

And the Best for last she said that because I did a demo of the new machine she would give us one regular small photo of the ultrasound PLUS an 8"x10" of a different shot since I was such a good sport. Here are the amazing ultrasound pictures of our baby boy!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Isn't our little baby boy so cute!

We can't all have the same BLOG template.

MOTHER FUCKER That’s what I have to say... I typed this nice long blog and what happens I go to hit CTRL C to copy (so I can paste it into word and correct my spelling so Justin doesn't yell at me) and accidentally hit CTRL V and deleted the whole post and pasted that last thing I copied. DAMN IT!!!
oh well ....
As some of you will notice I'm now pretty in pink... yep my blog is now pink since Robyn and Keyra decided to take my blog template. It just must have been so nice they couldn't help themselves. Keep your grimy paws off of this one girls its mine. lol (just jokes, we can all share) there's really not many nice templates available anyway so we gotta stick to the good ones.

Well I'm really excited about tomorrow "the ultrasound day" I really hope they can tell if it's a boy or girl. I think I'm carrying low which everyone says means its a boy. But here's hoping it's only an old wives tale. Since we got the scanner working I'll post the picture we get tomorrow of the ultrasound and the other one we got at 7 weeks. Although really it looks like a little dot but its still my baby, and my belly so its special.

Thank god tomorrow's Thursday my last shift of the week, It's been a really long week, and I'm glad its almost over, here comes the weekend, what are we going to do this weekend Robyn and Jay, we better come up with something. I get 3 days off this weekend which is awesome I could use an extra day to relax!!! yeah!

ok no copying and pasting into WORD for a spell check its bad karma, it stays with spelling mistakes, if you don't like it don't read it. hahaha

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Here is my growing belly

Well I took some pictures yesterday before bed so everyone (who doesn't see me often) can see how big my belly is getting. I'm awating my altrasound on thurs. when I find out if it's a boy or girl, don't worry I'll keep everyone posted if it's gonna be blue or pink.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Boerd @ Work

Well, went to Vaughn Mall for the first time yesterday, it was pretty fun, tiring but fun. Watched a movie with Robyn, Jay Taylor, Michi and Justin yesterday Tim Burton's Corpse Bride. It was pretty cute, had yummy snacks that Robyn made. Fell asleep as soon as I got home, I was exahusted. Can't wait for the day to be over I want to go home and clean up and relax. I really wish I could work only 4 days a week, It would be so nice. I really need a break. Oh well such is life, soon I will get my maternaty leave break.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Well I went to Ikea today with Robyn, Jay and Taylor and it was my first time. It is soooooooooo soooooo cool, it's like the size of a whole mall. They have a restaurant that has 99 cent pasta and 99 cent meatballs mmmmm good. It was so fun walking around in circles in aww of everything. We have to go again. Here are some pic of what I bought.

First a tea light candle holder it is so nice its all wood accept for the metal cups for the candles. $7.99

Next is the cool rubber tube ice cube tray, I can fill it juice and suck on it yum... I wanted the cool donut one but I could only find 1 on the top of the bin at the checkout and after 2 hours of shopping I didn't feel like digging in the bottom of the bin, so I forfited it to robyn who wanted it more only though$1.99

Then finally a really cool lamp for next to my bed its soo soo cool BUT it didn't come with a bulb and silly me forgot to check so I must go back and get a bulb.

Well hope to go shopping there again hint hin roby and jay. lol

Well nite nite must make some food then go to bed so I can get up early and do something on my next day off.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Today I had a dr's apointment for a prenatal physical nothing special I thought, just some poking and proading. But unexpectedly she took out a machine that cold hear the baby's heartbeat. It was so cool it took a while to find though , and Jus told me later he was worried the baby was dead. I found out I only gained 3 or 4 pounds but I'm getting pretty big now. I'm so excited we looked at cribs today at Zellers so Justin could show me what his mom had, it was so cute the little frilly pillows in the cribs i can't wait. We also found out that next week we get to go have an altrasound done and find out the sex of the baby. YEAH!!! here's hoping for a girl. Anyway I don't have to work tomorrow, so here comes the weekend, lots of relaxing for me.
I'll make sure I post again soon.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Terrible day @ work

Well I think the whole pregnancy thing is catching up to me now, I was super busy today at work I had to run around so much, and I got really stressed out cuz I couldn't handle everything at once. Usually I'm so good with multitaskign at work. But I guess its just gets me to tired out to be so busy. I hope I can hang on, its only going to get busier. I think it had to do with alot of new changes that I kidna ended up finguring out for myself that they changed and not being told. Anyway I had a wonderful dinner, Jusin made me fajitas mmmmm mmmm mm thery were so so so tasty. And when I got home he made me a baked potatoe and icecream with strawberries. He's so wonderful, he cleaned up so much for when I got home and he makes me a nice big dinner every night. I really really appreciate not having to worry about food at work because its just one extra thing that stresses me out. When ever I levave the desk I allways have people getting mad at me because they need something. It's wonderful to be waited on too, he surprised me with the yummy strawberries and icecream in bed while I was watching TV, I just have to mention I am craving something and he quick gets up and gets it for me. What a wonderful person, he's so happy now too, and when he does get a little mad he's quick to make up so we don't fight for long. He's doing so good I think its his birthday bracelet I bought him. It says "Relax (then has a heart) Be Happy". lol I'm sure its just him being his wonderful self agian. Well this is gettign to be a long post. I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow just a physical but I'll post tomorrow when I find out stuff about how many inches I've grown and such.
Well going to have a repeat of the previous meal, it was so good Justin's makign me another baked potato and another icecream sundae with strawberries.