First, I think I was about 9 months pregnant, (not 5 like I really am) cuz I had a much bigger tummy. I remember I felt the baby kicking like I do now BUT when I put my hand on my stomach to rub it so it would stop, I could feel like a whole leg and foot. I looked down at my belly and I could see like a whole outline of the baby's leg and foot. It kinda felt like I was holding it's whole leg in my hand, it stuck out so much. I remember being really excited and yelling for someone to come look cuz it was so weird I though something was wrong, but no one came. Then I remember suddenly stopping and feeling like I sort of peed my self BUT after a few seconds, out came like 10 gallons of liquid from my “you know where”, it was whooshing out like a tap. (HEY I TOLD YOU IT WAS A WEIRD DREAM, THE BEST IS YET TO COME) so I tried to squeeze my muscles so I would stop peeing myself … but it wouldn't stop. I suddenly realized it must be my water breaking so I screamed "oh my god I think my water broke". I heard voices and people panicking and then I suddenly remember being in the delivery room. (DREAMS ARE ALWAYS LIKE THAT YOU NEVER REMEMBER HOW YOU GOT PLACES, YOU JUST SHOW UP THERE) I was in a light blue gown on a silver, metal table with my legs spread apart and a sheet across them, but my back was propped up and the top of the table was like an adjustable hospital bed with a pillow. Then the doctor reached over and handed the baby to me, he was very clean and seemed to be a little big for a newborn baby. I was holding the baby around his chest far away from me with his legs dangling in the air, looking at him like something was wrong. I kept staring at him not knowing what was wrong with him. I kept thinking this is not my baby, there's something wrong, he doesn't look like me, but I couldn't figure out what didn't look right about him. Then Justin came over to see his baby and he noticed right away the baby's body looked really long, and the baby's face wasn't at all like our faces at all. The baby had this long head not like it was too big for it body or anything, but just a very long looking face unlike both me and Jus. And he had no defined nose bridge, like kind of a flat nose (similar to an Asian person). The baby's eyes were very different too they were dark brown (and again very similar to an Asian person) his eye lids were kind of non existent. His cheeks weren't pudgy like most babies, they were very flat. So Justin went to find the doctor and tell him that this wasn't our baby. A nurse took the baby from me, and then the time suddenly changed and I remember being back at the same point as before when I was on the delivery table again, and the doctor had just finished pulling out my baby boy again; he didn't really wash him off this time he just handed him to me. He was the most beautiful little baby, so small and so pudgy he had blue eyes and a cute little nose like me, and he had a perfectly round tiny head, I remember his arms were bent a little and he had this cute pudginess where they bent at the elbow. He had his fingers clenched around my finger. I remember him having such tiny fingers and I could see his tiny nails needed to be trimmed a little. Then I pulled him close to me and I held him in my arms. Then Justin came back in and the second he saw the baby he had this huge smile on his face and a look of amazement that it was really his baby. Jus wrapped him in a blanket cuddled the baby and rocked him to sleep. Then I woke up
SO THAT WAS MY DREAM - pretty weird eh!
Maybe I have a fear of getting the wrong baby????