Friday, February 10, 2006

It's a bouncing baby boy!!!!

And when I say bouncing I mean bouncing, the lady doing the ultrasound said he kept moving all over the place she kept having to find him again to take more pictures. LOL Just what we need a hyper baby. Well even though I had my heart set on a girl I am getting excited about my little baby boy.

The ultrasound was awesome; first she asked me if they could try out a new ultrasound machine out on me. I said it was ok and I asked what’s so special about this machine, she said it's a much higher resolution and its much clearer and the features are amazing. So I was game to be a guinea pig. The ultrasound it lasted over an hour it was soo cool, it probably took a little longer than normal since she was learning the machine as well but I couldn't believe it lasted so long, it was amazing I couldn’t get enough. She took tons pictures of EVERYTHING the head, the brain, all the tiny organs, the little feet and legs the little arms and hands, and the lips and face, his spine and tummy. He's so cute, and so tiny.
They brought Justin in at the end and she showed us a side view of him and she pointed everything out, where the stomach was and the little kidneys and the liver and all the little organs, she did a close up of the heart for us to see it beating. We could see his little face and everything. We saw him moving his little arms and legs and his fingers. She also showed us a view between his legs and said " see the legs are open, and if you look you can't miss the little thing in between them. She couldn't tell us the sex because hospital policy is not to determine sex until 24 weeks due to previous problems BUT (she was sure we could see for ourselves) and we could, he has these not so little testicles and a not so small penis that couldn't be mistaken for the umbilical cord at all.

And the Best for last she said that because I did a demo of the new machine she would give us one regular small photo of the ultrasound PLUS an 8"x10" of a different shot since I was such a good sport. Here are the amazing ultrasound pictures of our baby boy!


Blogger Robyn said...

Sophie that is just too cool! I am so happy for you. Glad that you are ok with it beoing a boy. I am sure we can find lots for him! However I will laugh if in the end.. it comes out a girl!!
Love ya~~

11:19 a.m.  
Blogger mammasita said...

Aint that just amazing! when you can see your baby, and he is still in your tummy!! I almost cried when I had mine done with Elaina. They were able to tell me she was a girl though. Was the new machine a 3D one?? They have them in the states but I didnt think they had them in Canada yet. Well if they are coming to Canada they would first come down your way.. OH yeah and Im sure I will still have some clothes to send to you as Elaina has some boy clothes lol but dont tell her!! hahaha.. I got a lot of clothes from my friend in Kenora and she had a boy..well anyways this is a long post.. so im going to go now.. Im excited for you.. look at it this way when he 16 he wont come home pregnant..

11:29 a.m.  

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