Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
It was a wonderful surprise on Tuesday to get a call letting me know I had to be at my babyshower for 7pm that night. I was like "WHAT a baby shower", how awsome is that and I had no idea.
It was realy fun Robyn hosted an awsome game where we were supposed to eat babyfood and guess what kind it was, hehe most of us were too chicken but Erica what a trooper tried them all. It was so funny, Robyn has cute pictures of it too up on her blog. Then we played some "Baby Shower Bingo" it was cute with baby toys and such on it (and I kept it for a keepsake too)
Then came time for presents, WOAH presents I didn't even expect a shower let alone presents. I got the most wonderful things. I got a snugglie (which is navy blue and so cute) I got the cool platex bottles with the inserts, that are angled and in my fave colours yellow and blue. I got some cute outfits and a soother thermomitor, way nifty eh. Marrielle made me a sock monkey like she used to have when she was little, that she hand made. It's the cutest thing Justin just loves it, he wants a pocket size sock monkey, and last but DEFINATLY not least I got a high chair (and its blue). Crazy eh I wasn't gonna ask for one cuz I thought it was a luxoury I could not aford and I could do without one cuz other tings were more important that I absoloutly NEEDED!
Everyting was perfect, and wonderful. You guys are awsome Robyn, Anat, Corrine, Carie, Erica, Marielle, Evita, Jenn, & Vanessa!
Thanks so much for the wonderful shower I really appreciate it, and I had a blast.
I will post some pictuers of my presents if I can ever find my camera in the disaster I call my apartment (so are the woa's of moving I guess)
It was realy fun Robyn hosted an awsome game where we were supposed to eat babyfood and guess what kind it was, hehe most of us were too chicken but Erica what a trooper tried them all. It was so funny, Robyn has cute pictures of it too up on her blog. Then we played some "Baby Shower Bingo" it was cute with baby toys and such on it (and I kept it for a keepsake too)
Then came time for presents, WOAH presents I didn't even expect a shower let alone presents. I got the most wonderful things. I got a snugglie (which is navy blue and so cute) I got the cool platex bottles with the inserts, that are angled and in my fave colours yellow and blue. I got some cute outfits and a soother thermomitor, way nifty eh. Marrielle made me a sock monkey like she used to have when she was little, that she hand made. It's the cutest thing Justin just loves it, he wants a pocket size sock monkey, and last but DEFINATLY not least I got a high chair (and its blue). Crazy eh I wasn't gonna ask for one cuz I thought it was a luxoury I could not aford and I could do without one cuz other tings were more important that I absoloutly NEEDED!
Everyting was perfect, and wonderful. You guys are awsome Robyn, Anat, Corrine, Carie, Erica, Marielle, Evita, Jenn, & Vanessa!
Thanks so much for the wonderful shower I really appreciate it, and I had a blast.
I will post some pictuers of my presents if I can ever find my camera in the disaster I call my apartment (so are the woa's of moving I guess)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I'm so excited... and I just can't hide it...

I'm super excited for my baby shower this weekend! : ) It's going to be great! my momma has it all planned with tons of people comming and lots of little sandwhiches and pickle trays and veggie trays. And the theme is whinnie the pooh MY FAVORITE... She says I have a whinne the pooh cake and tons of decorations. oooooh I love parties. And It's going to be really nice to relax all weekend knowing that THERES NO MORE WORKING FOR 1 FULL YEAR!!!! YEAH lots of time to cuddle my little baby... yeah!!!! Can you tell i'm more than excited.
YOUR AWSOME, AND YOUR GONNA BE A fantastic grandma!!!!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
especially when we have morons working before me! man I spent 3 hours trying to fix all the mistakes stupid people made yesterday... Oh my god how can some people be so incompitant. Well thats all for ranting.
Justin helped me set up the breakfast so that was fun, especially since all the stuff is so heavy and hard for me to lift out. I sleped for so long after my shift 11 hrs I think, so it must have worn me out... I told you all I'd have time for this week was work and sleep. lol Well I'm getting excited about moving I can't believe we only have 1 week left. Does'nt seem too far away. It's been frusterating not having enough energy to pack and clean since usually thats my area of expertise, BUT justin is doing a FANTASTIC job. I love you baby!
Justin helped me set up the breakfast so that was fun, especially since all the stuff is so heavy and hard for me to lift out. I sleped for so long after my shift 11 hrs I think, so it must have worn me out... I told you all I'd have time for this week was work and sleep. lol Well I'm getting excited about moving I can't believe we only have 1 week left. Does'nt seem too far away. It's been frusterating not having enough energy to pack and clean since usually thats my area of expertise, BUT justin is doing a FANTASTIC job. I love you baby!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Well we went apartment hunting on Tuesday, and saw some real shit holes... BUT we saw this nice one and it's only $525 a month, its a cute and cozy 1 bedroom. The superindendent is really nice, and the building is really clean. It's in a really nice area at the East end of Hamilton. The only sad thing is it's on the 3rd floor and there's only stairs. Well I guess i'll be getting my excersise. The stairways are really large and there's huge landings so thats a bonous. We can move in around the 25th of May, so Justin will be going there next week to move stuff in and work while I stay here and finish working and packing the last of our stuff up. I'll get him to take some pictures of the place so we can post them up. Well thats all the update for now, I'm working midnight shifts for the next 6 days so I will pretty much be sleeping and working from being so exausted from the shift change. Then I get my month off to relax!!! YEAH
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Here'a a pic me and jus took of ourselves. It's pretty cute

I haven't posted in a while because I am working so much lately, it is our change-over from student season to hotel season, and holy damn is it busy. Well really there's nothing new I have just worked so much no time for anything else.

I haven't posted in a while because I am working so much lately, it is our change-over from student season to hotel season, and holy damn is it busy. Well really there's nothing new I have just worked so much no time for anything else.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
bought some shoes for work... FINALLY

well after weeks and weeks and many hours of shoe shopping, I finnnaly bought some new shoes for work, that hopefully I will wear after I'm done work in a month, they are pretty comfy, and they are all black so hopefully my boss will be ok with them. Anyway today was a better day than yesterday, going to prenatal classes again tomorrow hopefully that will be fun, and then also have plans to go swimming before work on thursday!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Misserable day!!!
Today was a shitty day, I was freakin sick all day, which of course made me misserable!!!! I looked for shoes and couldn't find any that i could afford or that were appropriate for work, i'm so sick of shoe shopping. I can barley even put the damn shoes on my feet, i'm so friggin huge... well anyway i'm going to bed now so i don't make anyone else more misserable than i have already made them.