Friday, August 11, 2006

My cool little dude

Isn't he just a cutie...

Well, we have been having some tough times lately. The last 2 weeks have been really hard. With the stress of a terrible move and a really cranky baby, life has been pretty stressfull to say the least.

Rylan has been so fussy lately, mostly I THINK cuz he has so much gas. He has a lot of trouble burping, sometimes it will take over an hour of trying to get the little guy to burp. He gets so upset too, you can see his little face go bright red and he just grunts so hard to try to get it out. And then comes the screaming and screaming and screaming. Then when he does burp he is still upset, and continues crying. I try feeding him changing him (even when he's not wet or dirty), I cuddle him, move him in every position possible but nothing seemed to make him happy. I just haven't been able to figure out whats wrong the last week. He hasn't been sleeping either. He will only sleep like an hour at the most, but usually wakes up every 30 minutes and screams. He has been eating like crazy but not a lot at one time just like every half hour for a few minutes. I was getting worried that he wan't eating enough. Plus he has this terrible red rash all over his face, it gets worse with the heat too.
BUT the last two days have been such a turn around. He is back to his wonderful cute self, he cries when he's hungry, needs to be changed and has to burp (and the burping is getting better, only takes like half hour at the most) He's so peacefull too, he just sits and stares around and smiles and gives cute faces when he's awake. I went to the doctor and she said the rash is normal just baby acne and the heat makes it worse, but nothing to worry about. He is 11lbs and 23 cm. He's been eating better again, a lot longer and less frequently (don't worry he's gaining weight, so it must be enough) AND THE BEST OF ALL he's been sleeping like 2 or 3 hours at a time again. And trust me those 2 or 3 hours are MUCH needed so I can have a break from "mommy land" and do something like EAT or SHOWER or SLEEP. I have come to realize that those three things are what I look forward most to in a day, not blogging or watching TV, or shopping or cleaning or anything else. Pretty weird how being a mom changes your whole prespective on life.

But even when I havent eaten in like 20 hours, gotten an hour of sleep at most, and haven't showered in a few days all it takes is for that little boy to look up at me with those bright blue eyes, give me that big amazing smile, and snuggle up as close as can be to make it all worthwile.


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