Sunday, April 29, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Weekend At My Dad's House
Well last weekend me and Rylan took the bus to my dad's house to visit. At first Rylan had fun looking out the window and then omg he went crazy with excitement.I will never take the bus without him sitting in a car seat again. He was all over the place crawling and wiggling the whole time (well except for the last 5 minutes when he finnaly fell asleep. But it was well worth it cuz I got to see my baby niece, she is growing sooo much. I bought her tons of cute outfits and in all the pic's she's wearing them. hehe Me and Nadia took the babies swimming it was Milan's first time. I had such a blast with Nadia, we had such a good time talking about being mom's. Also my favorite Aunt and Grandma came to see the babies. Me and Nadia were so tired from the babies waking eachother up all night that we didn't visit for too long but it was so nice to see them. And Aunt Carolyn the strawberry shortcake deserts were soooo yummy. Well here's the best part all the cute pictures.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Rylan in the Hospital with Gastroenteritis
He's doing ok now. He cry's a lot from terrible diareah and a severe diaper rash. And probably just cuz he's still not feeling good. But he's drinking lots and lots of formula and peeing still. And he hasnt' thrown up since Tuesday.
He was such a little trooper while he was sick. He would give you big puppy dog eyes and then smile at you so cute. And he gave me big hugs in the hospital as if to say "thanks mommy for taking care of me". It was the sweetest thing.