Well the day started off pretty good, Rylan was pretty sleepy in between feedings and changing during the night. He was barely fussy at all. I didn't have to stay up more than 45 minutes each time he woke up. What a little angel.
Justin left for work around 10:20 am and he's not supposed to come home till about 9 pm. So sad, I love that he has a job BUT what will I do with myself all day. Anyway I had some breakfast, took a nap, did some cleaning, and decided what I will make Justin for dinner when he gets home. Then at about 2:00 I decided it was time to go out. I told Justin I'd try to go to Value Village today and pick him up some more work shirts cuz he loves them and only has two. Since Rylan was being so good I thought that it wouldn't be so hard to take him out on the bus, although I was a little nervous. I have never gone out with him alone, there has always been someone there (usually Justin). Well I changed and fed Rylan so he would be ok for our little trip.
I got Rylan all buckled up in the carrier and I carted the stroller, carrier, diaper bag, my purse, and a sweater (since it looked like it could be chilly out) down the three flights of stairs. Whew... After that I wanted to just go back up and say forget it, BUT off to wait at the bus stop we go. As we were waiting at the bus stop it started pouring rain, and I mean pouring. My umbrella started blowing away and I had to lock the stroller wheels so the stroller wouldn't blow away. I was soaking wet and to make matters worse the bus was over 10 minutes late. Well the bus came and we got on safely.
I don't like some of the buses in Hamilton they are really badly designed, There are some seats in weird places that make it impossible to sit the stroller and still have room for people to walk by. Well anyway we got off at our stop and walked to the next bus stop, where some very rude people didn't let me put the stroller in the bus shelter. Thankfully a nice lady came over and we both used out umbrellas to cover the stroller. Finally the bus came and after a really short ride we made it to the mall. BUT I still had to walk over to the Value Village, still in the pouring rain. Even though I had the umbrella I was still soaking wet from head to toe.
We got into Value Village and I found the shirts Justin wanted me to get for him then I decided to look around for a while till the rain stopped. About an hour or so later, It started to clear up so we began walking back to the bus stop. At the last minute I decided It was really lovely out and I'd just walk down the street a few block so we didn't have to take two busses. It's a good thing I did cuz Rylan suddenly started crying, then screaming. I picked him up and realized he was soaking wet, but not from peeing, the stroller was soaked inside, the poor little guy was sitting in a puddle. Then if that wasn't bad enough it started raining again. So while holding him close and trying to push the stroller we ran into the nearest store Taco Bell.
I went to the bathroom and changed Rylan's clothes, and changed his sopping wet diaper. Then wrapped him in a blanket and took him into the restaurant. He seemed to be hungry as well, so I fed him while waiting for the stroller to dry and the rain to stop. Then what happens the poor baby starts spitting up all over himself, well off to the bathroom again to change another outfit, but I only had a little diaper shirt and the restaurant was FREEZING. I was so freaking cold and I was wearing pants. (oh ya and that sweater I brought was soaking wet so I couldn't even wear it) Good thing I packed 2 extra blankets I wrapped Rylan all up in them so he was toasty warm and finished feeding him the 3 0z bottle I packed (of pre-pumped breast milk of course). The little guy was not satisfied by that so I took him back in the bathroom and breast fed him for like 10 minutes. GEEZ how much can that little guy eat. Then the rain began to stop, the stroller was pretty dry and Rylan was almost asleep too, so off we went to walk to the bus stop.
The rest of the day went well, we got on the bus and got home safely AND DRY. I carted all the stuff back up stairs and then sat down and cuddled with Rylan. He needed some mommy time after our traumazing day, we watched Erin Brockovitch on TV and Rylan fell asleep in my arms.
So although our first outing alone was a little traumatizing, I won't let that stop me from going out again. (not like I really have a choice we have a Dr.'s appointment Wednesday and Justin will probably be working so I'll have to try taking the bus alone again) Hopefully it won't be raining : )
Well I better start getting dinner ready, Justin should be getting home soon, and Rylan is still sleeping, so I better hurry.