Amazing Day!

Today was a wonderful day, I got up for work at 7:30am and rushed off to work by 8:00am (not like I really have to go to far). It was wonderful being up durring the day, I was so cheery, and I got to see the sun all day. I worked on many projects that kept me really busy, and it was all pretty fun stuff too, NO FILING Thank God! I made a newsletter, and some sign-up sheets, and called a bunch of ppl to remind them of a Niagra Falls trip that was taking place, made some posters, and pretty much organized things to do for the next 2 shifts of people. Then I got a surprise call from Justin at around 3:00 asking if I wanted to go to his uncles house. Jus's mom was going to pick us up right after I was done work, and we were going to Orangeville to celebrate his grandma's 75th Birthday. It was a pretty good time. I did miss going to see Ice Age 2 with Robyn, Jay and Taylor, Which most likely would have been just as much fun if not more, since we spend most of our time laughing, eh guys.
Those are my cousins Emma and Jesse (looks like he's picking his nose in the background....)
i dont know what the hell is wrong with them... they behave so well! i think their parents drug them or something.........
Jesse's mom said she wanted more rice and was about to get up and get some, and jesse out of nowhere jumped up, grabbed her plate and ran and got some for her.. then someone said "i need another coke" and he got up again and ran downstairs and brought everyone up a pop. cant believe him... he used to be such a shit :/
emma is 7 and jesse is 11
emma is so cute :D she held a tarantula at some lizard show thing they went to for a birthday party... she was holding lizards and snakes, and the HUGE tarantula... she's got bigger balls than i do. im too chicken to touch em :P
i dunno why i write so much on these comments, and never post on my blog anymore lol
looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Don't worry about going to the movie.. we can do that any time. We still havn't gone so... let me know
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