Monday, October 22, 2007

Holy CRAP it's been more than a month....

Well lots has happened...
Rylan is gettin so big and he is learning so much. His little mind is a sponge and he can learn anything right now.
We are teaching him so many different words now. Too many to list. The cutest is pee pee.
We ask him if he pee pee'd and he says pee pee and points to his diaper and then goes and gets his wipes and a diaper and hops up on the couch to be changed. I think potty training will come soon, maybe after christmas.
We also say "what sound does a turkey make" and he goes "gobble gobble gobble".
He is starting to learn to eat with a fork and a spoon all by himslef now.
He can also blow kisses and smell his feet or hands and stay pfhew.
He is such a little sweety, yesterday morning he woke up early at 5am is and I brought him into our bed and he fell back asleep. Then at 8 ish when he woke up he goes mamma and I open my eyese and there he is sitting smiling at me and leans in and kisses me on the lips, then he says "play".
He can cary on convorsations too and understands what we are saying we tell him to go get things and he brings them to us. He is such a little smarty.

Anyway here are lots of pictures that we have take the last month