Really Cute Pic's
Rylan's first time sucking on his thumb & wearing a funny hat. 

Taking Rylan Swimming at Valley Park Pool. He ablsolutly loves going swimming he splashes and gigles.

Rylan's first time in a big boy high chair. Justin took me out to Swiss Chalet for dinner on new years eve with his gift cards he got for christmas. It was so nice, the waitresses all loved Rylan and kept coming to our table with toys for him (little stuffed animals for the toy chest)

Wow he sure is getting big!
glad you are having such a wonderful time with him!!!!
how was he when you took him out to eat?
oh he was pretty good. the waitresses came over and were oohing and awwing over him the whole time and he loved the attention so he was happy and the one time he cried our waitress tickled him and talked to him and he was fine... lol
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