Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
LOST PICTURES... or so we thought
Well haven't updated in a while cuz we have all been so sick. Don't really have many picture's either cuz were not lookin all that glamourus while having a runny nose and inflamed sinusus and coughing till we pee our pants. BUT I have a few cute ones to post. 

***(oh ya almost I forgot)*** On Tuesday Rylan said "Mama". I'm not exactly sure if he knows that I'm Mama BUT he says it to me all the time.
He's saying "mum" or "Mama" all the time now, & he loves to hug me and Justin all the time now too. Ok now more cute pic's
***(oh ya almost I forgot)*** On Tuesday Rylan said "Mama". I'm not exactly sure if he knows that I'm Mama BUT he says it to me all the time.
He's saying "mum" or "Mama" all the time now, & he loves to hug me and Justin all the time now too. Ok now more cute pic's
Monday, January 08, 2007
Yesterday Rylan started getting a really bad cough and he seemed to choke a few times while coughing. It sounded really phlemmy too. We noticed Rylan's hands, arms and feet going blue from like 2pm - 5pm ish. We got worried and everyone said to go to the hospital so Robyn took us up to St. Joeseph's Emerg. around 5:30ish. He seemed to be fine while we were registering, the blue had gone away and he coughed a few times but he was playful and happy. (he slept pretty much the whole time while waiting which was good) At around 7pm when we were first taken to our room in the pediatrics ward, Rylan woke up and started to get really upset. He was boiling hot and started screaming and shaking. He was just clutching me and wouldn't let go he was so weak he barely moved. They took his temerature an it was 103.3. No wonder he was so hot & upset. For hours, he just lay in my arms cluching me sometimes sleeping others just staring at me wimpering. They took him for cheast x rays and took a nose swab, took some urine to test, and did some blood work as well. He was pretty bad for the first few hours. Later on in the night he seemed to get better, we cooled him down with a clool cloth and kept him naked in a light blanket. Semmed to do the trick cuz his temerature went down & he was smiling again & moving around. They said there's no bacteria in his blood and his cheast looks fine and it's a viral thing. The blue was probably from the fever. We ended up leaving the hospital at 12:30ish. Couldn't believe we were there so long. He's ok today, no fever and just his cough. He isn't quite as playful, but he's smiling.

Here he is SICK!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
The Reason For The Bath...
We took Rylan to "Baby Picasso" yesterday. Anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's where babies learn to be creative by exploring their sences. This time they had Jello and whipped cream for the babies to explore. Rylan had so much fun, he was the best one out of the group, he laughed, and rolled in it, and hit it (making it fly everywhere), and ate it. It wa so much fun to watch him. Anyway here are the pictures: