Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas With Judy

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas With My Mom

Christmas With My Mom

Christmas With My Mom

Monday, December 18, 2006

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Well my computer has been sick the last week, she had too much dust in her and was making a loud humming noise. So Justin had to blow it all out.

Now she's a working better..... the camera also broke, the batteries keep popping out we need to tape them in.

I do have a few pictures though to show...

Here is Rylan smiling away

Here is Rylan sitting on santa's knee. (I wonder what's on santa's knee that is so exciting)

and one with him sticking his tounge out.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Early Christmas Present

Rylan got an early christmas present from Nanna Judy & Grandpa Marc. He got a bunch of really cute sleepers (sine he's growing like a weed and most of his don't fit anymore) Here he is modeling one with Nanna!

Santa in Gore Park

Well last night there was a christmas tree lighting event in Gore Park, Downtown Hamilton. We all went with Robyn, Jay, Taylor, Ali & Dave, It was FREEZING COLD. Today we went durring the afternoon and it was much less cold. Rylan got his picture with santa, and went on a fire truck and on the merrry-go-round. It was so much fun.

Here are the awsome pic's (one with santa soon to come)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I miss you so much Grandpa Marc and hope your safe in Iraq. I can't wait for you to see how big I have gotten and how I can sit on my own with no help from mommy. I'm eating lots of yummy food now too, maybe when you come home we can have some "Baskin Robbin's Ice Cream" together, and you can tell me all your storries of your advenures overseas.

Big hugs and and drooly kisses.
Love Rylan

...a trip down memory lane....